Welcome to our Experimental Psychology research hub.
We aim to create a platform for researchers to conduct psychological experiments and collect data.
Meanwhile, our experiments are designed to be fun and engaging for the participants.
Instead of using traditional psychological experiment engines, we opted
to implement the tests using simple javascript libraries that are typically used for game development.
Supabase is currently used to store and manage the experiment results.
In this page you can be a participant in various experiments.
Would you like to adopt a long-term username?
Please note that this registry will be stored in your browser as a cookie.
If you agree, please enter your name below, along with any preferences you may have:
You can participate in as many experiments as you like.
By participating you agree that your scores will be stored in our system
and may be subjected to statistical analysis.
If you are a researcher and are interested in using our psychological experiments or in developing your own experiments using our core library, please contact us at this e-mail